SETVAL for all sequences in a schema
In PostgreSQL, when you’re working with sequences, if you insert a future value due to the incrementing values, you will get an error when that value is going to be inserted. I like much more how SQL Server handles autoincrement columns with its IDENTITY property, that would be like the sequences linked to a table like SERIAL, but it’s much more restrictive and by default you cannot INSERT a register specifying the value of this column as you can do with PostgreSQL.
The PostgreSQL setval() function, explained in Sequence Manipulation Functions, is the way that PostgreSQL has to change the value of a sequence. But only accepts one table as a parameter and you've to find the max value. So, if you need to set the sequence of single table or all the sequences in a schema to the max(id) of every table, you can do can use the following script, based on Updating sequence values from table select.
I copy here the code, but it can be downloaded from my Github account.
schema_name name,
table_name name DEFAULT NULL::name,
raise_notice boolean DEFAULT false
-- Sets all the sequences in the schema "schema_name" to the max(id) of every table (or a specific table, if name is supplied)
-- Examples:
-- SELECT setval_max('public');
-- SELECT setval_max('public','mytable');
-- SELECT setval_max('public',null,true);
-- SELECT setval_max('public','mytable',true);
row_data RECORD;
sql_code TEXT;
IF ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = schema_name) = 0) THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'The schema "%" does not exist', schema_name;
FOR sql_code IN
SELECT 'SELECT SETVAL(' ||quote_literal(N.nspname || '.' || S.relname)|| ', MAX(' ||quote_ident(C.attname)|| ') ) FROM ' || quote_ident(N.nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(T.relname)|| ';' AS sql_code
FROM pg_class AS S
INNER JOIN pg_depend AS D ON S.oid = D.objid
INNER JOIN pg_class AS T ON D.refobjid = T.oid
INNER JOIN pg_attribute AS C ON D.refobjid = C.attrelid AND D.refobjsubid = C.attnum
INNER JOIN pg_namespace N ON N.oid = S.relnamespace
WHERE S.relkind = 'S' AND N.nspname = schema_name AND (table_name IS NULL OR T.relname = table_name)
ORDER BY S.relname
IF (raise_notice) THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'sql_code: %', sql_code;
EXECUTE sql_code;
NOTE: My first version was just for all tables in a schema, but Nuno Henriques modified it to apply for just on table. I added his changes and renamed it. The older function was named setval_schema().
Example to execute setval to all sequences in a schema:
SELECT setval_max('public');
Example to execute setval to all sequences in all user schemas in the database, showing the sentences that are being executed:
SELECT setval_max(nspname, null, true)
FROM pg_namespace
WHERE nspname !~ '^pg_.*' AND nspname <> 'information_schema';
Full example
In this example, a table is created and some registers are inserted. The 3rd insert “Third Value – Jumping” is forced to id = 7 instead of using the sequence. But the sequence hasn’t been modified so when it would arrive to 7 it would get an error because the value already exists.
CREATE TABLE test_setval
id serial NOT NULL,
info text NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT test_setval_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
INSERT INTO test_setval (info) VALUES ('First Value');
INSERT INTO test_setval (info) VALUES ('Second Value');
INSERT INTO test_setval (id, info) VALUES (7,'Third Value - Jumping');
INSERT INTO test_setval (info) VALUES ('Forth Value');
-- 'Forth Value' is inserted with id = 3
SELECT * FROM test_setval;
SELECT setval_max('public', null, true);
INSERT INTO test_setval (info) VALUES ('Fifth Value - after setval');
-- You can see how the data has been inserted in the same sequencial order:
SELECT * FROM test_setval;
-- or sortering it:
SELECT * FROM test_setval ORDER BY id;